Chicken News is a blog that covers the excitement of having chickens, with occasional bouts of randomness. It is mostly photos, and I try to update as often as I can. Please add yourself as a follower(it isn't hard, just click follow on the opposite sidebar)! Thanks and visit again soon!
I (manager of this blog) will be away till mid July, so don't expect anymore posts till I come back. Thank you! I will leave you with pictures of chickens:
The flock pecking around outside One of our two roosters, Richie.
It was a great day to be outside and playing with the chickens. We put a few chickens on leashes again and I took some pictures. There is a monochrome filter on the pictures, so thay are all black and white. Here is pictures of Lemony Snicket on her leash.Enjoy!
This weekend we tried a new activity with the chickens.We put leashes on them. Each chicken responded differently. Julia (Meez) ran around the yard trailing the leash. Lemony and Jasper just behaved as normal. I was able to take Jasper on a walk up our street!
I wish I had a picture of the chickens on leashes, but I have this one of the chickens we put leashes on.
Amelia died. It was pretty sad, and my sister especially took it hard. She had written a story about her... I'll post it later. We buried her outside the chicken coop. She has a nice grave, overlooking the other chickens.