Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Going Away

I (manager of this blog) will be away till mid July, so don't expect anymore posts till I come back. Thank you! I will leave you with pictures of chickens:

The flock pecking around outside

One of our two roosters, Richie.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Chickens on Leashes

It was a great day to be outside and playing with the chickens. We put a few chickens on leashes again and I took some pictures. There is a monochrome filter on the pictures, so thay are all black and white. Here is pictures of Lemony Snicket on her leash.Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Chicken Practices

This weekend we tried a new activity with the chickens.We put leashes on them. Each chicken responded differently. Julia (Meez) ran around the yard trailing the leash. Lemony and Jasper just behaved as normal. I was able to take Jasper on a walk up our street!

I wish I had a picture of the chickens on leashes, but I have this one of the chickens we put leashes on.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

More sad news

Amelia died. It was pretty sad, and my sister especially took it hard. She had written a story about her... I'll post it later. We buried her outside the chicken coop. She has a nice grave, overlooking the other chickens.