Saturday, April 18, 2009

Proud (and grumpy) Richie

Today was such a beautiful day, I couldn't resist dropping by the chicken coop. And dear Richie, who was patrolling the outer edges of the aviary, came to greet me. He almost got a chunk out of the camera when I came a bit too close.
Richie is two feet tall(it doesn't sound tall, but it really is for a chicken), and comes up to just above my knee.
Here is where he nearly ate the camera...
Though a handsome chicken, Richie is not the nicest chicken in the flock, and it is always wise to give him a wide berth.


Maria ( Idekroken ) said...

Hello Hannah. Thanks for your comment. ;) It's always nice to get some nice words about what you do and about your pictures. ;)
Your pictures is nice and special :)
Maria from Norway

halestone said...

i like the last pic! and you backround is awesome :)

Second Life said...

Hello hannah.Very beatıfull is very nice chicken.Thanks for visiting my blog!

Hub said...

hello US'Chiken'girl !
thanks for your comment on my blog ! do you learn french language ?
see you soon on Hublog !
i take one of your chiken for my blog

Carl said...

thank you for you comment. YOu have also a nice blog ;) my english is not the best, but i'll try... hope you understand. I only learn it in the school -.-
I like those photos of animals. I'm very interested in taking photos of the nature but also portraits. I'm from Saxony, Germany. I think there are countries which are more beautiful than Germany, but if you open your eyes, you'll find nice things everywhere!! I think also in the USA. I never was there, but i'm going to travel there.

Ich wünsche dir viel Spass und lasse liebe Grüße da ;)

Lesa said...

Hannah- Thanks for stopping by my photo blog and thanks for the compliment on my pics. I am loving the chicken pictures! You have a great photographers eye.
